Recovery Education Registration

(Re)STORE: Retreat

Trauma-informed Training and Recovery Support
for Virginia Crime and/or Trauma Survivors

Saturday, October 5 – Monday, October 7

Montpelier, VA

ReSTORE retreat activity

(Re)STORE uses Peer Recovery Specialists to facilitate trauma-informed training and recovery support for crime or trauma survivors anywhere in Virginia. The (Re)STORE: Retreat concludes an interactive program of wellness and resilience topics to facilitate ongoing recovery by using a strengths-based approach to empower individuals toward self-advocacy.

Join us and build your community connections! The full (Re)STORE program includes an introductory webinar, a virtual training and culminates with an in-person retreat.

Intended audience: Crime and/or trauma survivors in Virginia. You must be a Virginia resident to attend. 

Format: This is a 2-day/ 2-night overnight retreat in central Virginia. Scholarship to a MHV retreat includes tuition, materials, lodging, meals and reimbursement of 1 roundtrip transportation expenses, if applicable. Space is very limited.

Topics include: Trauma awareness, mindfulness, wellness, resilience

Facilitators: Kevin Kelly, CPRS and Jamie Reavis, CPRS

CEUs: 8 VCB-approved hours of education

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By submitting this application, I am stating that:
Are you a crime or trauma survivor?
Are you a peer recovery specialist?
Do you have a service dog?
Emergency Contact Full Name

Program Readiness

Please assess your readiness to fully participate in the (Re)STORE: Retreat by answering the following questions:
Have you attended?
While not required, we encourage participants to attend the (Re)STORE: Sampler and (Re)STORE: Essentials prior to attending the retreat.
Do you have the stamina to participate in a full day of activities?
Are you able to work collaboratively with others in small groups?
Are there any issues that would prevent you from learning at this time?
Are you ready and able to travel independently?

Background & Experience

How did you hear about this event?