Virginia Behavioral Health Advisory Council

Vision: Effective, efficient, and accessible behavioral health services for all Virginians.

Mission: To transform Virginia’s behavioral health system to reflect the highest quality of health, recovery, and wellness across the lifespan.

The Council advocates for a person-centered system of services and supports that promote self-determination, empowerment, recovery, resilience and health, and the highest possible level of participation in all aspects of community life including work, school, family, and other meaningful relationships.

The Council serves as the federally mandated forum for building a consensus among peers, families, advocates, providers, planners, and state agencies to ensure a system of treatment and support of high-quality care for children and adults who suffer from serious emotional disturbances, serious mental illnesses, and substance abuse.

The Council annually reviews and comments on the Federal Block Grant Application for millions of dollars in funding that support behavioral health services throughout Virginia. Additionally, the Council monitors and evaluates other plans developed by the state that will impact individuals with mental health and substance abuse conditions, including:

  • the allocation, adequacy, and quality of mental health and substance abuse services to children with serious emotional and mental disorders and adults with serious mental illness
  • the congruence between existing services and the Commonwealth’s stated values, priorities, and goals
  • the plan’s impact on improving the quality of life for Virginians with mental health and substance abuse challenges and their families.

The Council makes recommendations to the relevant state departments and agencies , including, but not limited to, the Commissioner and the Board of the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, and the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia.


The Council’s meetings are typically held from 10 AM to 12 PM on the third Wednesday of February, April, June, August, and October, and the first Wednesday of December.

Meetings currently occur virtually and the public is invited to attend. To access the zoom link to attend a meeting, or to see minutes from previous meetings, please visit the BHAC page on the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health website.

Are you interested in becoming a member of the Virginia Behavioral Health Advisory Council?

Consideration of new membership applications is currently on hold until March 2025 while Council bylaws and required membership categories are under review.


For more information about membership or other questions, please contact:

Rita Utz
BHAC Admin/Mental Health Virginia
(804) 257-5591 ext. 113

Nathanael Rudney
DBHDS Office of Adult Community Behavioral Health Services
(804) 944-1037

Mailing address:
Rita Utz
BHAC Admin
c/o Mental Health Virginia
2008 Bremo Road, Suite 101
Richmond VA 23226