COVID-19 & Mental Health: Final Reflection

As my internship with Mental Health America of Virginia (MHAV) comes to a close for the summer, I have done extensive reflection on my experience in writing this blog. With my original plans to conduct psychology research with a professor this summer and to study...

Grief, Loss, & Trauma During COVID-19

**Trigger Warning: death and grief over the loss of loved ones; suicide** I would like to preface this post by mentioning that I cannot speak from personal experience or understanding of losing a loved one or friend to COVID-19 and that I am posting this as a form of...

Financial Strains of COVID-19 on College Students

As higher education institutions began to cancel the spring 2020 semester and some even through this upcoming fall semester, a huge factor for many students is the financial implications of COVID-19 and how that might hinder their ability to pay for school. For many...

Remote College Education & Mental Health

Since the onset of COVID-19, college students have faced a huge shift in their educational experience. As colleges and universities across the country (and K-12 schools, too!) begin gauging the decision to continue in-person or remotely, I wanted to take time through...