In the Face of Yet Another Tragic Loss, We Must Act

MHA’s national CEO, Paul Gionfriddo, issued the following statement on the passing of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain: By: Paul Gionfriddo, president and CEO, Mental Health America “We were shocked today by the death of Anthony Bourdain, the second public...

Affirming the Physical and Mental Health Connection

Mental Health America first launched May as Mental Health Month in 1949 to raise public awareness and understanding of mental health. The 2018 theme, #4Mind4Body, emphasizes the relationship between a person’s physical and mental health. Science continues to reveal...

Some Good News from the State Legislature!

We are excited that Senate Bill 555 has passed both the Senate and the House and is simply awaiting the Governor’s signature to be signed into law. This bill, introduced by Senator Monty Mason (D-Williamsburg), allows mental health providers to hire individuals who...