HopeVoice from NAMI Virginia

Written by Bruce Cruser

Executive Director
August 15, 2013

Sign Up Today for a New Group for Youth!


WHEN: Every Tuesday from 5pm – 7pm

WHERE: Interstate Office Park, 2104 West Laburnum St., Richmond, VA 23227

WHO: Teens, Ages 12 – 18, who personally have a mental health condition or have a parent or sibling with a mental health condition.

WHAT: Activity Based Youth Group

Do you want the chance to meet other teens with similar experiences? Do you want the chance for your voice to be heard? If so, come out and enjoy community outings, art, music and social media projects!

*All youths’ stories and experiences shared are completely confidential. Note: This is not a therapy-based group.
Pizza and refreshments will be served. Cost of Group – Free!

For more information, contact Amanda Long, along@namivirginia.org or 804-285-8264 ext. 211

HopeVoice is sponsored by the Virginia Family Network, a program of NAMI Virginia.

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