Mental Health Coalition Advocacy Day at the Virginia General Assembly

Written by Bruce Cruser

Executive Director
January 29, 2015

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Thank you to all who came out in support of mental health at our annual coalition advocacy day at the Virginia General Assembly! Unfortunately, our work is not done yet.

Last week, Governor McAuliffe announced the start of the Governor’s Access Plan for uninsured adults with mental illness, also known as the GAP plan. You can read more about the GAP plan here.

In the first week, nearly 500 applications were submitted by people eager to participate in the plan and receive mental health and medical care.

Unfortunately, this week the GAP plan has come under fire by some lawmakers in the Virginia General Assembly and we are concerned that the plan will be de-funded.

NAMI Virginia has kindly shared this email alert with us and MHAV would like to encourage our supporters to contact your state senator and state delegate today to urge him/her to support the GAP plan. We have provided a sample email for you but we encourage you to use your own words. As always, remain professional and courteous in your communications.

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