Pets and Mental Health

LB the Wonder Dog

Written by Bruce Cruser

Executive Director
January 13, 2025

“LB the Wonder Dog”

Adopted in Baltimore as a scrawny, happy pup, LB found her calling as a loving support animal and artistic muse. For 12 years she was always there – through all-nighters in the studio, airline turbulence, camping trips and kayak excursions, a pandemic, new communities and relationships – a constant, calming, and cozy companion. As with so many pets, she gave loving, non-judgmental affection to those who loved her.

With the deep sadness of loss, we said good bye to LB in December.

Like most pets, LB showed that animals can help provide their humans happiness and emotional support, and reduce stress and anxiety. Numerous research studies demonstrate that animals help people with mental and physical health conditions.

What does the science say about pets and mental health?

Mental Health America’s “4Mind4Body: Animal Companionship” section provides reasons why pets as not only good for us but good for workplaces too. 

“Pet ownership can help:

  • Improve cardiovascular health and physical activity;
  • Decrease stress and lower blood pressure; and
  • Reduce loneliness, which increases risk of many chronic health conditions.”

“For people receiving treatment for mental illnesses, animal-assisted interventions reduce anger, anxiety, depression, and general distress, while improving the ability to socialize.”

At Mental Health Virginia, we also honor LB for helping market our free, peer run Warm Line.

LB the Wonder Dog

Mental Health Warm Line (866) 400-6428

A heart felt thank you to LB, and to all the pets adding love and health to our lives.

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