Governor Vetoes Mental Health Bills

Missed Opportunity to Reduce Incarceration for Mental Illness We are very disappointed that Governor Youngkin vetoed HB267 and SB357 to Amend the Assault on a Protected Person Statute. His March 20th announcement grouped these vetoes with 20 others...

Amend the Assault on a Protected Person Statute

March 14, 2024 Amend the Assault on a Protected Person Statute: Sign HB267/SB357 We urge Governor Youngkin to sign HB267 and SB357 to Amend the Assault on a Protected Person Statute. The bills will improve public safety by removing vulnerable people from our criminal...
When a Call for Help Gets You Jail Time

When a Call for Help Gets You Jail Time

Current practice counterproductive, worsens illness Proposals from Senator Jennifer Boysko  and Delegate Vivian Watts in the Virginia legislative session attempt to fix one of the broken ways we respond to someone who needs help (SB 357, HB 267). Their introduced...

Preventing Another Death in Custody

July 3, 2023The Honorable Glen Youngkin, GovernorCommonwealth of VirginiaDear Governor Youngkin:The death of Irvo Otieno (see Another Death in Custody 03/22/2023) requires a full review of Virginia’s laws and policies to ensure the safety and care of individuals with...