Amend the Assault on a Protected Person Statute

March 14, 2024 Amend the Assault on a Protected Person Statute: Sign HB267/SB357 We urge Governor Youngkin to sign HB267 and SB357 to Amend the Assault on a Protected Person Statute. The bills will improve public safety by removing vulnerable people from our criminal...

Request for Virginia Budget/Policy Priorities

The Honorable John Littel, Secretary of Health and Human Resources Commonwealth of Virginia Dear Secretary Littel, As you are preparing the Governor’s draft budget for the next fiscal year, we encourage you to address the following: 1. Expand the DCJS...

Mental Health Hospital Crisis

Overcrowding at Virginia’s nine state psychiatric hospitals has renewed calls for the state to build more hospitals. The state hospitals have reached capacity several times in recent years, and the pandemic has brought an already stressed system to a crisis point. The...