VOPA becoming The disAbility Law Center of Virginia!

Written by Bruce Cruser

Executive Director
June 24, 2013

The Virginia Office for Protection and Advocacy is moving forward. We will be a private nonprofit organization by the end of this year! The new organization will be called the disAbility Law Center of Virginia. This is an exciting time for the disability community in Virginia, and you can be a part of it. You can help to shape the direction of legal advocacy for people with disabilities.

The disAbility Law Center is looking for potential members of its Board of Directors. The Board needs people with a variety of skills and experiences who can help develop the direction of the new organization. We are looking for people from diverse ethnic, racial and geographic backgrounds and for people who have experience with the service systems for all kinds of disabilities. We need people who have experience on nonprofit boards, people who have experience in fiscal and legal oversight, and people who have experience in fundraising and resource development.

For more information and to fill out an application, please click HERE. Application Deadline is July 8, 2013. Hard copy (paper) applications are available on request. Please call 1-800-552-3962 to request an application. Please apply soon if you are interested. We will begin to review applications in June. Final selection of Board members will be by September 1, 2013. The dLCV will then provide training to Board members so that the Board can be ready to go by October 1st! June 20, 2013 – MHAV announces it’s co-sponsorship of a gubernatorial forum on mental health issues in Virginia August 5, 2013…more information coming soon.

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