Mental Health Bills Pass Legislature

Await Governor’s Decision Several mental health bills and budget items we support passed the legislature and now await Governor Youngkin’s signature, amendment or veto. Overall it was a successful session for mental health, although a few bills may be vetoed. A few...

Amend the Assault on a Protected Person Statute

March 14, 2024 Amend the Assault on a Protected Person Statute: Sign HB267/SB357 We urge Governor Youngkin to sign HB267 and SB357 to Amend the Assault on a Protected Person Statute. The bills will improve public safety by removing vulnerable people from our criminal...
VA Legislature at Halfway Point

VA Legislature at Halfway Point

Mental Health Bills Advance Several mental health bills we support are moving forward. This week the Senate begins hearing bills approved by the House and vice versa, and we are pleased to see several initiatives that improve mental health are still alive. A few of...
When a Call for Help Gets You Jail Time

When a Call for Help Gets You Jail Time

Current practice counterproductive, worsens illness Proposals from Senator Jennifer Boysko  and Delegate Vivian Watts in the Virginia legislative session attempt to fix one of the broken ways we respond to someone who needs help (SB 357, HB 267). Their introduced...
Suicide is a Crime in Virginia… Since When?

Suicide is a Crime in Virginia… Since When?

By Kylie Hobson Suicide has been a common law crime in Virginia since it was a British colony; HB 81 is trying to finally change that. Even though the term “suicide” is nowhere in the Virginia criminal code, voluntarily taking one’s own life is still a crime in...