Embarking on new journeys, whether it's starting an internship, a new school environment, or diving into a new job, often brings a...
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Amendments Reduce Legislature’s Increases for Mental Health
Virginia’s behavioral health system has been in a crisis of its own for far too long. The governor’s introduced budget in December...
Governor Vetoes Suicide Bill
Kylie Hobson, University of Richmond law student, contributed to this article. Governor Youngkin’s veto of HB 81 to abolish the...
Mental Health of College Students
According to the Healthy Minds Study for the 2020–2021 school year, data from 373 college campuses had more than 60% of college...
College Student Diet
As a college student, juggling classes, assignments, and social life can often lead to neglecting one crucial aspect of your...
Governor Vetoes Mental Health Bills
Missed Opportunity to Reduce Incarceration for Mental Illness We are very disappointed that Governor Youngkin...
Getting Back into a Routine
Getting back into a routine can be hard. Small tasks might feel big. There are steps that we can take in order to make it more fluid...
State Mental Health Budget in Governor’s Hands
The Governor’s introduced budget included additional support for mental health services, including desperately needed major increases...
Mental Health Bills Pass Legislature
Await Governor’s Decision Several mental health bills and budget items we support passed the legislature and now await Governor...
Amend the Assault on a Protected Person Statute
March 14, 2024 Amend the Assault on a Protected Person Statute: Sign HB267/SB357 We urge Governor Youngkin to sign HB267 and SB357 to...
VA Legislature at Halfway Point
Mental Health Bills Advance Several mental health bills we support are moving forward. This week the Senate begins hearing bills...
When a Call for Help Gets You Jail Time
Current practice counterproductive, worsens illness Proposals from Senator Jennifer Boysko and Delegate Vivian Watts in the...
Suicide is a Crime in Virginia… Since When?
By Kylie Hobson Suicide has been a common law crime in Virginia since it was a British colony; HB 81 is trying to finally change...
The Impact of Your Environment
In Admiral McRaven's commencement speech at the University of Texas, he outlines the first lesson he learned in basic training, which...
Future of Mental Health System Awaits Legislative Session
“Patient safety is a concern…” – JLARC Study on Virginia’s psychiatric hospitals, December 2023“We know we have a crisis… Our system...