Happening Now! Workforce Re-Entry in Lynchburg

Written by Bruce Cruser

Bruce Cruser has been Executive Director of Mental Health Virginia since 2016, bringing a background in social work and community corrections, and many years of leadership experience in local and state government.
April 14, 2015

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Hello from Lynchburg! It’s Danielle again and we are about at the halfway point of Workforce Re-Entry at Eagle Eyrie Conference Center. Our executive director Anne and conference facilitator Jamie are guiding peers through activities, information and resources for those who are looking, or thinking about looking, for employment. This is our first visit to this location and have found that, despite today’s rainy weather, this is a beautiful conference spot with lovely rolling hills and gorgeous views.

Workforce Re-Entry, an advanced level conference for CELT graduates, is all about the job search process. Developing a personal mission statement and illustrating your vision in order to find the job that most speaks to your passion is an important first step. We start at the beginning with resume, cover letter and interviewing tips and then move into common workplace issues like conflict resolution. We also review the special situations that our peers often encounter such as gaps in employment history, how employment might affect disability benefits or how to practice self-care during the work day.

What always excites me most about our conferences is meeting and networking with my peers. We love how peer support often develops organically at MHAV conferences through casual discussion around the table or the bonfire. The wealth of knowledge and experience of peers always inspires!

And a quick reminder for our participants… don’t forget your action verbs!

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