State of Virginia’s Mental Health

Written by Bruce Cruser

Executive Director
January 16, 2018

Mental Health America (MHA) recently released its 2018 State of Mental Health Report, which
ranks all 50 states and the District of Columbia, based on several mental health and access
measures. This year, Massachusetts came out on top overall with Nevada coming in 51st.

  • Virginia comes in at 40th in the overall rankings, down from 38th last year.
  • Virginia ranked 49th in the prevalence of untreated youth with depression.
  • The overall access to care in Virginia is down from 38th to 42nd compared to other
    states. That’s right, we’re 42 out of 51 — this is awful! This ranking includes access to insurance, access to treatment, quality and cost of insurance, access to special education, and workforce availability.

Click here to read more.


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